About Us

In the late 1960’s land in Mollymook was donated to a breakaway group of bowlers from Milton Ulladulla. The breakaway was required because Milton Ulladulla club was becoming too small to cater for the numbers of men and women bowlers.

Local developers building estates in the region were required by council to include parks and recreation as part of the estates. This resulted in one of those developers, Middle Harbour Investments Limited, donating the land on the condition that it be used to establish a recreation club.

To kick things off, meetings of men and women were held to formally establish a Bowling Club at Mollymook. The meetings were held at Mr. Bert Jackson’s Motel at Ulladulla and were presided over by Mr. Ivan Jeboult who was the original president of the club. It was at these meetings that the name of the club was agreed to be Mollymook Beach Bowling and Recreation Club and so the club was formed in 1971.